Whether you are just starting out in the kitchen or have many years experience you will produce better quality meals by using professional cookware. There are a multitude of brands, makes and styles to choose from. The best cookware for you is a matter of personal choice. The professional cookware used by one person could easily be considered unacceptable by another. This article will give you impartial advice on the different types of cookware available.
A popular material for professional chefs is stainless steel cookware. This is popular due to the fact that stainless steel cookware is resistant to scratches and dents. However, there are many professional chefs that do not like stainless steel cookware as it does not conduct heat on an even basis. As a result it is quite possible to ruin a meal you have spent a lot of time on.
Another option is to use aluminium cookware which is particularly popular for bake ware. It is important that aluminium cookware is coated or anodised to give it protection. This protection is necessary as aluminium has a tendency to scratches and dents. It is also subject to reacting with alkaline and acidic substances which results in the food it is contact with changing colour. The food will look burnt even though it isn't. If this happens you will certainly lose marks for presentation even if you don't for taste.
Copper cookware is a strong preference for professional chefs for the simple reason of copper's ability to conduct heat evenly. Copper cookware is probably the most popular cookware used by chefs. It is generally considered to be a good investment. However, it is generally the most expensive cookware. On the downside, copper cookware suffers from similar problems to aluminium cookware in that it scratches easily and food tends to stick to the bottom and sides.
Cast iron cookware is very resilient and can last a lifetime if looked after properly. New cast iron cookware needs to be seasoned (also known as cured) to make it effective. Seasoning is achieved buy rubbing fat over the cookware. The fat can be any type such as vegetable oil or animal fat. The cookware should be then left in a hot oven for at least an hour. The process should be repeated several times until the cast iron cookware becomes black. This makes the cookware non stick. It is a bit more labour intensive at the beginning but the end result is that you have cookware that will last for years and years. One last thing to remember here is that when you clean the cookware you should not leave it to soak in water. This not only makes it susceptible to rust but it also tends to dissolve the fat coating on the cookware.
Glass cookware remains a popular favourite. It can be very decorative and is generally a lot easier to clean than metal cookware. It can withstand variations in temperature and in most cases can be used on top or the range. It is important that the correct methods of cleaning are used. These should be non-abrasive self polishing cleaners. Stubborn stains can be removed by leaving the cookware to soak in water.
The phrase ‘you get what you pay for' applies to professional cookware as much as anywhere else. You should avoid buying cheap cookware as the odds are it will not last long and will not perform as well as better quality cookware. Look to buy a brand name. Many of the better brands have online advice and tips as well as recipes to try. Compare prices online to those in the good department stores.
by : Michael Saville
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Professional Cookware for professional chefs
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
Teach Your Kids To Eat The Healthy Way Without All The Complaining
With the fast food restaurant down the street, it can be a tempting convenience, but an unhealthy food choice for your family. It is getting harder and harder to please families with whatever type of meals you cook. Even packing lunches can be a struggle - the fruit and veggies get thrown out, while all that's left of the chocolate treat is the wrapper. Here, we give you tips on following the food pyramid, cutting down on sweets and giving your kids healthy food tips for life.
Help you and your kid's follow the food pyramid by avoiding fast food and unhealthy food choices.
With the fast food restaurant down the street, it can be a tempting convenience, but an unhealthy food choice for your family. It is getting harder and harder to please families with whatever type of meals you cook. Even packing lunches can be a struggle - the fruit and veggies get thrown out, while all that's left of the chocolate treat is the wrapper. Here, we give you tips on following the food pyramid, cutting down on sweets and giving your kids healthy food tips for life.
The Food Pyramid
The food pyramid is a recommended guide to how many different food groups should be consumed each day. Many people and parents do not even know the proper amount of servings they should feed their kid's. As concerned parents, your child should follow this food guide for healthy eating:
Dairy: 2-3 servings
Meat: 2-3 servings
Fruit: 2-4 servings
Vegetables: 3-5 servings
Grain: 6 to 11 servings
Spice It Up
A long time ago, healthy eating was dreaded at the dinner table. Thanks to new food inventions and creative new chef's, new seasonings and flavors can be added to almost any food recipe. Adding extra seasoning to bland food can make a huge difference with cooking healthy recipes for your children. Also, kid's love fun and different recipes. Plain peanut butter and jelly sandwiches aren't as appealing as sandwiches cut into little animals or shapes. Let your creative and imagination flow when cooking for your kids!
Getting Your Kid's To Eat The Food
Get your child active in helping prepare lunch or dinner. Let them set the table and prepare the food for cooking. This will give them a sense of accomplishment and hopefully will give them the incentive to eat at the table. Mixing great flavor and color into your meals will get the kid's excited. We suggest trying "Make-Your-Own" Taco Kit, which gives kid's their own hands on food experimenting. Forcing kid's to eat their food is not the answer either. I have found that lots of children's eating habits are from habit and conditioning, too. Just imagine the nutritional impact you will be showing your child by eating healthy yourself.
Set a Limit to the Junk Food
Allowing your child to eat the odd chip bag or chocolate bag is okay. They are most likely not to complain or throw tantrums as much. Remember, always give them small portions of junk food. Tell your children that sugars can be found naturally in fruit. A great snack idea is to chop up the child's favorite fruit into a bowl of milk. Sprinkle a tiny bit of sugar over and eat with a spoon. Replace potato chips with trail mix, peanuts, popcorn or pretzels. Chop up veggies and serve with dip. There are many optional ideas that the kid's will love.
There are some nights in people's hectic life's when there is absolutely no time to cook dinner. This is when fast food comes in. Although fast food is fast, the food doesn't usually come with it. Try a healthier food stop such as Subway, Extreme Pita or Tim Horton's. If you end up in McDonald's, order small proportions. Keeping these trips to a minimum can help you enjoy at least one small fries. Savor and enjoy every last bite.
By Janna Hagan
Posted by
3:28 AM
Labels: Healthy Eating
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
Acid Reflux, Foods To Avoid And Acid Reflux Causes
If you’re looking for a natural cure for acid reflux or if you are just looking out for the acid reflux foods to avoid then perhaps you would first like to know a little more about it. Acid Reflux sometimes called GERD (Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease) or acid indigestion is a condition suffered by thousands of people from all walks of life. The main symptoms include frequent heartburn, a burning type of pain in the lower part of the mid chest, behind the breastbone, and sometimes in the mid abdomen.
So just what is Acid Reflux? Acid Reflux is a condition in which acid from the stomach escapes and moves up into the oesophagus. This is not a normal process of digestion and so can cause severe discomfort. If you have too much acid in your stomach it can eat away at the stomach lining and affect the muscles in the stomach and the oesophagus.
Some of the more common acid reflux causes include diet and lifestyle. It may not be so easy to change your lifestyle, maybe because of the type of job you do, which may be hectic and stressful. However making a small change in your diet and knowing what acid reflux foods to avoid can make a huge difference to how much you suffer.
Watching what you eat is essential if you suffer from acid reflux, and knowing what acid reflux foods to avoid is vital, as a poor diet is one of the main acid reflux causes. And it’s not just what you eat; it can also be how you eat. Try eating smaller more frequent meals as opposed to large heavy meals. Having less food in your stomach at any one time, means that your stomach does not have to produce such a large amount of acid to digest it.
Natural remedies for acid reflux can include just eating the right foods, and knowing what acid reflux foods to avoid. Fatty foods, acidic foods such as oranges or tomatoes should all be avoided, as should onions, chocolate, and any milk based products. Fast foods and fried foods are known to be some of the worst acid reflux causes.
As well as acid reflux foods to avoid, there are also foods that can be beneficial (thank goodness I hear you cry). Try switching to more fruit and vegetables, and complex carbohydrates in your diet. Some of these beneficial foods include apples, bananas, carrots, rice (brown or white), bread (wheat, multi grain, or white), corn bread, pasta, and cereals.
Meat and fish can also be part of a healthy diet as long as they are cooked the right way. Avoid frying and always buy lean meats. Fish can be steamed and things like beef and pork can be grilled. Chicken breasts are fine as long as you remove the skin. Also some dairy products are ok, fat free cream cheese, soy cheese, or feta cheese will not cause you any problems.
Along with these acid reflux foods to avoid there are also certain drinks and beverages to be aware of. Coffee, tea, or anything else with caffeine should be avoided. Alcohol is another no no, as is milk or any milk products. Smoking is also one of the worst acid reflux causes, so the cigarettes will have to go if you want to start feeling some improvement. Just by making these few changes in your diet can act like a natural cure for acid reflux.
Posted by
9:48 AM
Labels: Healthy Eating